Monday, August 20, 2012

Writing,W riting, Writing

I haven't blogged for quite awhile but I enjoyed the summer and have been writing a lot.  Starting some new type of work and seeing how it fits.  I'm learning a lot.  I am still concerned for our state of education and the many things I see my  friends in the school system here and around the country are coping with.  I have investigated Common Core, read some cool books (keep up with that on Facebook)and really like Pinterest, learned a lot about some new subjects, and said a goodbye to a wonderful friend who has moved far away.  I want to try Skype?  but don't have it set up yet.  I have had some more book rejections but still feel positive that it will be published and that other books will follow.  I pray and pray.  I lost a 90 year old Uncle whom I loved so much and learned along with the rest of the family that my 99 year old precious aunt has to fight colon cancer.  Friends have started a pizza place, Foxes Pizza Den, right in my neighborhood and I feel like I have a "friends" like place to hang out and that is so cool.  Love to go to the beach again already but settle for looking at pictures.  Traded in my trusty Old Blue Buick that wasn't so trusty any more for a Dodge Charger that I really love and enjoy.  Sarah Morgan has made her nest in the backseat just fine. Dance for her has begun and swimming this summer for her was great.  One more week of swimming lessons to come.  So I'm back to blogging, at least today.