Monday, September 3, 2012

The Horse Show Break is over and that means that school schedule is back.  Still writing everyday and creating some.  Ordered Sarah Morgan's Halloween costume so all signs point to Fall.  It used to be my favorite season by far.  Now I am not so sure.  Not sure if it is me being fickle or the climate is changing in Tennessee.  Springs and Falls shorter and less intense in their features.  It seems winter and summer rule the seasons now with summer the winner in this early game of rivals.  Maybe it is just a "phase" (no scientific pun intended) and the four seasons will tilt their way back into the correct pattern. November is coming soon and so my promise to myself that I would in fact write a NOVEL.  I have researched it and have the outline of the story and I hope I am up to the task.  It will be based on past Christian martyrs in China, archaeology, faith, and the plot involves the the adoption of a group of orphans and the underground Christian missionary movement in China currently. Sounds good, huh?  There is such a tightrope to walk of cultural/religious history there hope I can make it work!