Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in China

I suppose this is another day in China.  Maybe a pause of work for the weekend but no holiday.  New Year will come soon.  There will be a terrible crush in the bus and train stations as town workers try to get home one of the few times of the year they may travel back from their work places to the home sites they financially support.  I saw the train stations and bus terminals when it was just ordinary traffic and I can't imagine what it would be like during a holiday.  My thoughts turned to China today as I watched Sarah Morgan make our Christmas so wonderful.  I tried to picture her not in the orphanage but in one of the homes.  I wonder if her smile would be the same.  What was her birth Mother doing today?  Does she know where her baby is?  Does she think of her?  how many times a day?  Are there Brothers or Sisters around a table?  Surely a Grandparent.  China is so far away.  It has become my country, too. I love it and I hate it.  Will we go back?  Will she want to go? When will the really hard questions come?  I know they will.   Today was a day of believing and trust.  Santa would know to bring the right toy even if she said Mario Cars instead of Mario Kart (she worried about this) when she sat on his lap.  As she announced this morning at 6:15, Santa DID come and he brought the right one Mommy, he did!  I know though about life and I know that there were many old and young for which Santa did not come, and they are just as precious as my little one.  Where the next meal is as blessed a gift as any around our tree.  13 hours ahead they are starting the work day soon.  For us, more Christmas is on the way.  Cousins with which to PLAY!  Other Mother, she is a wonderful girl.  Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Morgan is a very lucky little girl. She has two remarkable parents. It's hard to imagine what her life would have been like without you. China is a very interesting country, but I wouldn't want to live there.

    Btw, Drew hasn't said a thing so I bet he didn't win either. It's not about the winning - that's the cherry on the top.

    I went to (I think it was plural) to get my new background. You have to go to design on your blogger dashboard, and then click html. You download the look you want from btemplates and upload it to your page. Youtube has instructions.

    Enjoy the rest of your time together. It sure goes fast!
