Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Fret Sounds"

My husband's favorite album is Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. His favorite band, however, is The Beatles. Their masterwork, Sergeant. Pepper's... To him the two are connected. Could not have had one without the other. I wonder if all music, art, philosophy is true to that theory. Beethoven’s ear on the piano begats Silent Night sung by a children's choir in church tonight. Tonight-look-at-the-clock morning, for me, I long for fret sounds, the sounds made by guitarists as they move their fingers on the strings. Those noises are edited out in most music today with some super incredible electronic device that can also make Lady Gaga sing on key. I miss the scratching needle on vinyl at the same time I love being able to call up any song I can search on youtube-ahhhh.  I guess that is why I always stick with Dylan.  He’s heard it all; the sounds in Brian Wilson’s head, the Beatles licks, sticks, and tricks, Guthrie’s fret sounds, and talked with the MAN who laid his hand on Beethoven’s bent head.  As the years roll around Bob’s voice grinds the needle a little deeper in the groove till he can barely make a sound recognized as singing.  In recent years he’s turned to the accordion, and I think it’s just so he can hear that squeeze- box’s buttons clack.  Tom Petty once said that he and the Heartbreakers made a certain noise that no one else in the world could make.  That must be like what God hears when we pray.
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
"Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea,
With a voice as big as the sea."

1 comment:

  1. Has Jon ever heard the album "Making God Smile?" It's one of my favorites, although I loaned it to a friend a few years ago and never got it back. It's a Brian Wilson tribute album featuring various Christian artists! (Just for the fun of it, I think -- I don't think anything is implied about Wilson's spirituality, although it's fun to read things into some of the lyrics.) My all-time favorite, Terry Scott Taylor, was very influenced by Wilson to begin with, so he obviously has a cut on there, but the whole thing is great.
