Saturday, January 7, 2012

Favorite Mini Series

OK, I wish I hadn't been as smug when I told Jon on his favorite movies that it had to be ONLY our top ten and that yes I would count Godfather I and II as one choice.  Well, I didn't reckon the choices of mini series as this difficult.  I had to CUT several that I LOVED and that people will never forgive me for cutting.  I must say in my own defense that I have yet to see  Lonesome Dove and  John Adams.  This is hard but here it goes-Jon's will follow shortly and Sarah Morgan is sitting this one out.  She will be back when we post favorite TV series and favorite TV events and specials!

Donna's Favorite Mini Series 

1.  Centennial (1978-1979)
2.  Thorn Birds (1983)
3.  Roots (1977)
4.  Band of Brothers (2001)
5.  Pride and Prejudice (1995)
6.  Little Dorrit (2008)
7.  Cranford (2007)
8.  Great Expectations (2007)
9.  Our Mutual Friend (1999)
10. The Civil War (1990)

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