Thursday, October 27, 2011

China Adoption Group Reunion: From There to Here

This is much too fresh for me to write about yet but I feel I must while the senses are fresh with the feelings and images and sounds of the event.  For our family this was the first time in 6 years that the group with which we adopted our daughter was together minus three families.  These are the people that shared the experience of adoption with us the 14 days we where in China.  Upon arriving at the gathering house Sarah Morgan all but disappeared, hand-in-hand, with her crib mate she did not remember as they were adopted as near-16 month old children.  That didn't seem to matter.  The girls played together like they were neighborhood friends who shared the same backyards, swing sets, and classrooms everyday of their lives.  They were-connected!  Our group, the adults, come from all over the country, are vastly different than one another, have different amounts of children and family blends, but we all seem -connected!  It makes me think that if we could all think of ourselves as adopted, grafted together as one Dad said as we all tried to pose for a picture, "one whole crazy group,"  the whole world would feel more-connected!  Imagine the TEA Partyers  and the Occupy Wall Street Group-connected!  The Democrats and the Republicans-connected!  The rich and the poor-connected! The Muslims, Jews, Christians-connected!  The pacifists and the terrorists-connected!  Utopia-no.  Anarchy-maybe.  Impossible-probably.  Good?  Bad?  One could also make the argument,  it is sameness and shared experience and oneness of motive that really is the connection maker.  The long straight black locks of hair, the dark eyes that disappear in giggles, the finding of love caused by the sacrifice of abandonment.  And that "whole crazy group" might fight like cats and dogs except for the similarity of our union with our "forever child."  I mean one season of MTV's The Real World, Housewives of fill-in-the-blank with a city name, Survivor, or Big Brother and you know that Rodney King can ask all day, "Can't we all just get along?" and we can pretty much answer with a 99.9% accuracy-NO. I told you, it was too soon to write this.  I've already edited it three times.   I don't know, but I do know a group of 13 Chinese "sisters"  who could teach the world a thing or two about the "family of humanity" and if you are a believer, the "family of God."

1 comment:

  1. You give me shivers. Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? I rarely see it even in the Bible Belt. Those sweet little girls could teach the world a lot. Cute as can be.
