Friday, October 7, 2011

Jobs of My Father

Tenant Farmer

8 mule team driver

Rolling Mill Worker

Dairy Farm Laborer

Orange Grove Smudger

Guano Factory Worker

Construction Worker


Grave Digger




and probably manying more I do not remember.  I lost my Father to cancer in 1992.  He would have been 100 years old this year.  I miss him so much.  We were so close and could almost talk without speaking.  Just putting an arm around my shoulders during my teenage years could drive the sadness away.  We fished, hunted, worked, together for hours and hours, days and days, and weeks and weeks.  He was a wonderful man and I love and admire him more and more each day.  He taught me so much in the time we had together.  He got to know Jon, my husband, and be with us our first 3 years of marriage.  He treated and loved Jon like a son.  I'm so glad we could share just that short amount of time.  I wish my daughter could be with him.  He had children follow him around all the time.  He was that kind of man, they naturally loved him and felt safe, protected, and loved in his presence.  He had a great zeal for life.  A powerful faith and an amazing understanding and love of nature.  Thanks, Daddy.

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