Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh, Vertigo, When Will You Let Me GO GO?

Yes, it is hard to dance, get Halloween costumes ready, go to church, shave your legs, etc. with this crazy feeling in your ears.  Back to the doc I go, go tomorrow.  I'll try to carve Sarah Morgan's pumpkin today but Dad will have to man the trunk or treat mobile.  Enjoying Jennie and Nancy's blogs.  Read Persepolis and on to Maus I.  My first full length graphic novel completed.  I was struck by the rawness of the form.  It captured the girl's, main charaters,  growing up Iranian in a way that words just could not have alone.  I compare it to Diary of Ann Frank, a masterpiece of its own, and the way it charts the girl's movement through madness all around her.  I've always tried to understand that period in the Middle East's history and now I understand that as a Westerner I probably can't, not with true depth, but this novel gave me a look into Iran at present that will really help me when I hear Iranian stories in our "news."

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